First Time

[NickdoG, first time performing his new single, “First Time”. Release date 9/22/14. Free dowload today, 9/19/14… for those that sign up on his mailing list at or those that share the ‘new single’ image from his Facebook.]

NickdoG’s new single isn’t the first time an artist has his homage to his first time… as that’s been done, but this first time.. is an experience in the daylight and enlightenment, rather than what’s done under the covers or in achievement. First time experiences go into our long term data bank. First is powerful, first goes a long way, first stays a long time. That first time experience creates a pattern our brain will write, I call it ‘pave some road to travel’, which makes it easier to do the second time around. Kids that enter sexuality too soon… either by choice or not by choice.. have that jaded experience and many times.. getting where they want/need to be.. mentally.. can be hindered. In this song, Nick explores new musical boundaries in pop music and leads us to.. ‘chill at the beach on a Saturday’ mode. A different scene than on his previous release, Under The Cloud, that took us down dark alleys, running on dirt roads and crusin’ the city boulevard. Lyrical context on ‘First Time’.. Nick simply shares a contentment that comes from hope in a different love experience…  thinking, taking the shades off..  watching the sunset over the ocean.

Childhood memories.. first guitar, first punch in the eye, first experiences through teen years… you often hear adults talk about the “good ole days”, because it’s something they remember more and relive in thought.. and sometimes even more than the present. Which is why trying things out that aren’t good for us, just because we’re curious about it, isn’t always the best idea. They can stick. For some, it’s inevitable and those landmines often leave long term damage or one stuck in the mud… but like NickdoG says, First time in my lifetime, the light shining brighter than the nighttime, something like an epiphany”. He’s realizing this daytime FIRST, greater than the night time firsts have a different kind of hang over…  “Think I finally get it yeah for the first, time in my lifetime, might just be in my right mind”. Reality living.. much different than habitual patterns of escape and playing the victim… or a greater love experience than one achievable in the 2 dimensional world. “You said You love me even at my worst, think I finally get it yeah for the first… Who You are revealed to me, Your love, all I ever really needed, I believe now I see it”.  The love of God has changed so many people throughout history.. from Elvis to Abraham Lincoln to Tookie Williams.. the thousands upon thousands of lives changed. Is the love of God just a crutch for the weak.. a made up story to make us all feel better?

So the question comes, “If this Jesus love and forgiveness doesn’t go into the addiction mode, become the new pattern of my life and always be first for me.. is this Jesus love that strong or worth anything… If I’m struggling keeping Jesus first.. is His love real then?”? Many would say.. love is a choice and not a feeling. You just have to make a choice to love God more….  man, way to put the pressure on and leave people feeling guilty for struggling. I kind of agree with that but kind of don’t. I mean yes.. we choose our affections and it’s not always a fluffy emotional feeling.. but then.. feelings are involved as well. It’s just a spiritual struggle. There’s real temptations and imitations out there that appear better than the real thing. There’s a devil alive at work. There’s so many substitute products out there on the market.. that appear better than the real thing. The truth is.. God’s love and forgiveness is the spring of life. The source of true peace and freedom. But His love and forgiveness leads us down a road of humility and self denial.. while on the road.. there are easier paths and things offered that make me feel better temporarily for the moment. The real problem is that Jesus’ love is really real and sometimes we don’t want to deal with real. As Tom Cruise said, “You can’t handle the truth”! But man.. once we just let the Lord flush us out. Let go of controlling our problems with pride, receiving forgiveness and learn to receive His love.. we begin to love others like Jesus loves us. This is it. Way more important than what we can do for God. In Jesus’ letter to the Ephesus church in Revelation 2.. they were busy, working hard, discerning.. but lacking God’s love. You have to receive His love before you can share it. This might be our hang up as well. Go back.. remember from where you have fallen, look at the cross, have a change of mind and do the things you did when you first loved Jesus and we can return to the place of being an encourager to others.. being a light to others. Our brain patterns can change and Jesus’ love can hi-jack the flow. Open up and receive more forgiveness, more grace and more of His love. Love isn’t a chore.. but love involves risk, being vulnerable and being real. I’m ok with my struggle being that..  “I can’t sleep, no, there’s too much going inside my head”… to get to a place where, “I finally understand just what You said”.
